Han van Roosmalen | |
Han van Roosmalen is one of the founders of EAxpertise. He has been involved in a large number of different projects that use Sparx EA as the main tool of choice. He has trained many modellers on the job. Currently he consults at DCSA (Digital Container Shipping Association) and NS (Dutch Railways). |
List of sessions
Concept modeling at the heart of the model
In this talk he will discuss the usage of conceptual modelling to provide insight in the world of digital trade, container shipment and vessel to port activities. He will demonstrate how to (miss)use ArchiMate to provide clear insight for more in-depth follow-up in other different modelling language and traceability with mapping model elements to concepts.
Besides this a number of tips and trics of Sparx EA and Prolaborate will be demonstrated.
Tips trics EA Sparx and Prolaborate
Demonstrating number of tips and trics of Sparx EA and Prolaborate.
The audience is invited to contribute to their needs.